Do you know that by batch cooking your lunch or dinner meals you can save precious time and money? You can do the same with your social media content! Both have the same principles and end goals in place. Being able to create everything in one brainstorming seating will allow you to put your energy into other things. For example; you can write up a collection of social media captions to use at your disposal, content shooting, write a bunch of blog posts, film a few reels or IGTVs in one go. So that when you need to upload content you have a cohesive stockpile of imagery to use. Don’t know how to start? Keep reading to find out more!
1. Know your content pillars You can’t start creating content until you know what your content pillars are. That way you can stay on track with your topics that you’ll regularly discuss on your platforms.
2. Analyse your current content Look into your insights on Instagram and Facebook; see which type of content gets the most organic engagement. Think how you can keep that going.
3. Brainstorm Content You’ve got your content pillars, you know your insights. Time to think of new and fresh ideas to create that still stays in line with your work.
4. Go shoot! Book a day or two out from your schedule to grab a friend for assistance, to ensure the day goes smoothly. Make sure the camera is charged up with backup batteries!
5. Sort through the imagery Cull the bad ones, edit the good ones. Create a plan on how you want them to be uploaded to have a theme going.
6. Write the captions for each post That way you won’t be stuck on the day when the imagery gets uploaded. Writer’s block. Consider whether it’s for value or selling, how to get your audience to engage with the post, which emojis to use.
7. Use a scheduling website
Sites like Buffer allow you to plan the grid layout for Instagram and other platforms. You can schedule exactly what time you want the post to upload on multiple platforms. This is great for synchronized uploading to all social media platforms.
And repeat! Doing this monthly will allow you to spend more time focusing on your other projects. Plus you’ll actually be able to respond to your audience as you won’t be constantly switching between all platforms ensuring the posts are all correct. Hopefully, this blog post gave you an idea of how to keep your social media platforms organised.
Don’t forget to follow Socially Squared on Instagram and Facebook!
Written by our Intern, Kirsty Panting.